Your Consumers Are Not Always Rational, But Your Marketing Objectives Should Be .....?

by Godo Tjahjono, PhD. [see his profile here]

Purchasing decisions can be a result of rational economic calculation, so that consumers choose products that can provide the greatest quality and functionality in accordance with their preference and budget.  This concept is based on the assumption that consumers always try to maximize their satisfaction within their financial limitations, that they have knowledge about alternative sources to meet their needs or wants.  That is why marketers try to offer the best combination of price and quality. 

However, the price-quality approach does not always work, since consumer behavior cannot be explained merely from an economic point of view, but also to consider cultural, social, and psychological factors.  Experience, for instance, is also a factor that influences the intention to buy, or the buying process.  Experience determines how consumers react to specific products or services and their attributes.

Although consumers are not always rational, the results of marketing communication efforts should be accountable and in most cases, rational.  Besides the qualitative ones, there are marketing communication objectives that can be measured statistically and financially.  Developing a marketing communication program that is creative in one side and accountable in the other, is such a tough challenge for marketers and their agencies.  Moreover, even accountable per se is not enough, marketing communication plans and efforts should deliver maximum results.     


- May 2015 -